Trinity in Human Community
Peter R Holmes
Exploring Congregational Life in the image of the Social Trinity

The one God, in Christian thought, is not a single divine 'Person' but a Trinity of three inter-twined 'Persons'. God, on this social Trinitarian view, is a community of love and so relationship lies at the very heart of God's identity. In this book Peter Holmes builds on growing interest in idea of the Trinity as a divine society by offering a practical application to congregational life. The central issue is how faith community could better reflect the harmony and diversity of the Trinity.

Trinity in Human Community outlines aspects of both the author's personal journey and his theological explorations in the context of a particular congregation that has sought to break new ground in radical, relational, community living. Holmes suggests a number of practical principles intended to help local congregations implement at a personal and communal level what it means to love and worship the Trinity within authentic human faith community.

This is the first book of a trilogy entitled 'Discipleship as Wholeness' devoted to re-imagining Christian community along the lines of a therapeutic community model.

Peter R. Holmes is a management trainer and co-founder of Christ Church Deal in Kent.


'This is a must read for all who want their congregations to be a place where people from many and diverse background feel at home because their Church community mirrors an excitingly dynamic divine Trinity-in-community.' Knut Heim, lecturer in Old Testament, The Queen's Foundation, Birmingham

ISBN: 9781842274705
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: PATERNOSTER PRESS - published 15/10/2006
Format: Paperback  
